The Expression of Political Consciousness in Hindi Novels of The 1960s : A Critical Study


  • Dr. Vijay Kumar Shukla  MA, Ph.D. (Hindi) Bihar University, Muzaffarpur (Bihar), India



Sixty-seven Hindi political novels have given new dimensions to the novel craft. In the dynamic perspective of the new environment, different dimensions of discrepancies have been revealed from the new perspective, which is an important achievement of seventy political novels. Political novels are unique in their own way from the point of view of craft, in that sense, no established craft method can be labeled on them. Many tools have been used to make the narrative dispatchable and effective. On the one hand, in order to reveal reality in a satirical way, idioms, proverbs have changed the form, structure and meaning of the experiment to give it a new meaning, while on the other hand, the contextual reference to the unpredictable intentional use of the craft of political novels. is. Each new use of Upmaan in the context of the craft creates a dynamic and fluid world of sensations by destroying the stone surface of our static and entrenched sensations of habitual life. He also connects familiar objects with new references by standing on unfamiliar ground. Icons, fantasy and word power have also become important weapons of the craft.







Research Articles

How to Cite

Dr. Vijay Kumar Shukla, " The Expression of Political Consciousness in Hindi Novels of The 1960s : A Critical Study , International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 7, pp.1328-1331, March-April-2018.